Notice to Contractors and Owners
Protection of the safety, tranquility and appearance of the Quail community is the right of all Quail owners as expressed in its
Declaration of Protective Restrictions (CC&Rs) and administered by the Homeowners at Quail, Inc. It is recognized that construction activities tend to compromise these conditions, especially with regard to neighboring properties. The restrictions stated below are intended to limit or minimize negative effects on Quail residents. It is the responsibility of owners to ensure that contractors working on their properties are made aware of and adhere to the following restrictions:
Approval: Plans and specifications for all construction and landscape projects shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and approved in writing prior to commencement of any work.
Work hours: Work by contractors and service crews shall be conducted between the hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm on weekdays and Saturdays excluding public holidays. No work shall be conducted on any Sunday. Operation of noise producing equipment and activities shall begin no earlier than 8:00am. (Rules and Guidelines, 6, G, p.4)
Noise: Contractors are cautioned to respect the peace and privacy of neighboring properties by keeping noisy activities to a minimum. Outdoor music, loud conversation and excessively noisy operations and equipment shall be controlled so as not to be an annoyance. (Rules and Guidelines, 6, H, p.4)
Nuisances: No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, including, activities producing odors, dust, smoke, fumes or liquids.(Declaration of Protective Restrictions, III, 4, p.4)
Refuse and Materials: No rubbish or debris shall be place or permitted to accumulate upon any lot, but shall be placed in appropriate containers or dumpsters. Materials and equipment will be stored neatly, out of sight from public areas. Construction sites shall be left in a neat and clean condition during all non-working hours. (Declaration of Protective Restrictions, III, 5, p.4)
Vehicles: Contractors shall coordinate their parking and deliveries to protect safe and convenient access to public streets and driveways. Placement of vehicles, dumpsters and equipment shall preserve adequate sight line and clearances for two-way traffic. No double parking is permitted. Dumpsters and trailers remaining at construction sites after working hours shall be located on the property.
Temporary Structures, including portable toilets, trailers and storage enclosures incidental to construction may be placed erected, maintained and used subject to the ARC approval. Placement shall minimize their presence from public view. (Declaration of Protective Restrictions, III, 16, p.7)
Trees: No trees shall be cut down or significantly altered by cutting or pruning without prior written consent of the ARC. (Declaration of Protective Restrictions, III,16, p.8)
Signs: No signs or other advertising media of any kind shall be permitted upon any part of the property without written permission of the ARC. (Declaration of Protective Restrictions, III, 6, p.5)
Property Damage on or off-site, including dwellings, walks, curbs, driveways and landscaping shall be promptly repaired and is the responsibility of the property owner and the owner’s agents or contractors.
Note: Please read the Remodeling Reminders and post a copy of the Notice to Owners and Contractors in a conspicuous location for the duration of construction.