Valley Greens Circle
Homeowners at Quail, Inc.
The Homeowners at Quail, Inc. is a mutual benefit, nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of California. It is governed by a set of By-Laws.
The Quail homeowners association is unlike most associations in that: (1) it does not own any of the common properties around the subdivision and (2) membership is voluntary. As stated in Article 5 of the Declaration of Protective Restrictions (DPR), it is responsible for enforcement of restrictions as expressed in the Rules & Guidelines and the Architectural Review. The restrictions are applicable to owners or their tenants regardless of whether they are members of the association.
However, the association plays a greater role in our community beyond enforcement. The DPR enables the association to act “for the peace, health, comfort, safety, and/or general welfare of the owners”. It is in this capacity that the association serves multiple roles including:
Facilitating communications with owners or tenants on a wide variety of topics such as service outages, events held at Quail Lodge & Golf Club or crime reports (part of the reason we maintain a membership roster),
Advocating for the community on issues such as the roads, septic tanks and proposed development projects,
Acting as a liaison with Monterey County officials and elected representatives, Quail Lodge & Golf Club management, realtors and title companies, and other organizations like the Carmel Valley Association,
Spearheading projects of common benefit such as the replacement of the mailboxes or improving road safety by adding signs and speed bumps, and
Hosting social gatherings for members to meet each other.
Our Mission: to protect and enhance our property values. Our Goal: to ensure the safety, security and peaceful way of life that has been a hallmark of our community for over 50 years.