Valley Greens Circle

Homeowners at Quail, Inc.


The Homeowners at Quail, Inc. is a mutual benefit, nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of California. It is governed by a set of By-Laws.

The Quail homeowners association is unlike most associations in that: (1) it does not own any of the common properties around the subdivision and (2) membership is voluntary. As stated in Article 5 of the Declaration of Protective Restrictions (DPR), it is responsible for enforcement of restrictions as expressed in the Rules & Guidelines and the Architectural Review. The restrictions are applicable to owners or their tenants regardless of whether they are members of the association.

However, the association plays a greater role in our community beyond enforcement. The DPR enables the association to act “for the peace, health, comfort, safety, and/or general welfare of the owners”. It is in this capacity that the association serves multiple roles including:

  • Facilitating communications with owners or tenants on a wide variety of topics such as service outages, events held at Quail Lodge & Golf Club or crime reports (part of the reason we maintain a membership roster),

  • Advocating for the community on issues such as the roads, septic tanks and proposed development projects,

  • Acting as a liaison with Monterey County officials and elected representatives, Quail Lodge & Golf Club management, realtors and title companies, and other organizations like the Carmel Valley Association,

  • Spearheading projects of common benefit such as the replacement of the mailboxes or improving road safety by adding signs and speed bumps, and

  • Hosting social gatherings for members to meet each other.

Our Mission: to protect and enhance our property values. Our Goal: to ensure the safety, security and peaceful way of life that has been a hallmark of our community for over 50 years.