13th hole

Helpful Community Contacts

Below are frequently used phone numbers of community resources you may need as you move into your new home:

Grid Surveillance - 408-612-8068

Mid-Valley Fire Department - 831-624-5907

Sheriff – Monterey Substation - 831-647-7702

Monterey County Animal Services - 831-769-8550

SPCA Monterey County - 831-373-2631

Carmel Post Office (Via Nona Marie) - 831-625-9529

PG&E Customer Service - 800-743-5000

Cal-Am Water Company - 888-237-1333

PSTS (septic tank service) - 831-659-2465

Waste Management Services - 800-321-8226

Here's a PG&E web site to get details for current outages and future Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events for your address:
